(2) news clippings (Media)
- Featured in Teachers College Newsroom. (2021, January). Innovating Against Isolation. https://www.tc.columbia.edu/articles/2021/january/innovating-against-isolation/
- Featured in the WireCutter (New York Times) (2019, December). Board Games for Adults. WireCutter. https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/board-games-for-adults/
- Featured in Slate (2019, Feb). The Best Beginner Board Games for Adults. Slate. https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/02/the-best-beginner-board-games-for-adults.html
- Featured in Freedman, D. (2018, Dec). How to Almost Learn Italian. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/12/language-apps-duolingo/573919/
- Featured in Deaton, J. (2015, Dec). Can Games Be a Game-Changer for Climate? LiveScience. http://www.livescience.com/53207-can-climate-change-game-change-minds.html
- Quoted in Micheli, M. (2015, Mar). Real Life Quests Coming to Walden. Boston Globe.
- Featured in Plenda, M. (2014, Jul). Are Multiplayer Games the Future of Education? The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/07/are-multiplayer-games-the-future-ofeducation/374235/
- Quoted in Ma, W. & Takeo, Y. (2013, Dec). Chinese Pursuing Great Escapes Think Inside the Box. The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-pursuing-great-escapes-think-inside-thebox-1387336639
- Featured in Banchero, S. (2013, Oct). Now Teachers Encourage Computer Games in Class. The Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/now-teachers-encourage-computer-games-in-class-1381264012
- Featured in Dwoskin, E. (2013, Sept). How Smart Can We Get? TC Today.
- Featured in Lesczinski, M. (2013, May). Designing Games for Real-World Impact. Excelsior Life. http://www.excelsior.edu/web/news/college-news/-/blogs/designing-games-for-real-worldimpact?_33_redirect=%2Fweb%2Fnews%2Fcollege-news
- Featured in Basu, K. (2012, May). Inside Higher Ed: Game for a better grade? https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/inside-higher-ed-game-for-a-bettergrade/420024.article?sectioncode=26&storycode=420024&c=1
- Featured in Grasser, K. (2012, December). MOOCs: Greener pastures or herd mentality? Faculty Matters. http://www.facultymatters.com/winter12/mooc-open-education/
- Quoted in Silver, C. (2012, November). Gamifying Education with Superfunner. Wired Magazine. http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2012/11/gamifying-superfunner/
- Featured in Guillette, S. (2012, May). Game for Learning. TC Today.
- Featured in Johnston, M. (2011, Oct). Study’s the Name of the Game. The Sydney Morning Herald. http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/studys-the-name-of-the-game-20111016-1lrfy.html
- Featured in Shapiro, I. (2011, Aug). Education Meets ‘World of Warcraft’. Forbes Magazine. http://blogs.forbes.com/michaelnoer/2011/08/03/top-colleges-shapiro/
- Quoted in Clifford, S. (2011, Feb). In Monopoly Live, A Computer Runs the Game. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/16/business/16monopoly.html
Other news clippings